Thursday, December 4, 2008

Final Project

Final project; it came so fast. For this project Frank and I were partners again. We both had a good understanding of each other and knew how to compromise and develop ideas from working together on our previous project. Moving on, this project was the most different and collaborative than the others. First, Frank and I were given the video game theory II and we had to portray this theory in
our own way to the class and or critique the theory. Within this theory given to us, we had to read four different perceptions of people’s consumption of video game. In these pieces that we read, the theorist gave their perspective on very different components of video game; media, sound (voice), storytelling, equipment, technology, and computer's.

After reading the theory of video game from the different authors, Frank and I choose to portray their persona of video games. We thought that it would be cool to create a video game. We really wanted to create an action based game but we knew we did not have the time. So, we still kept the idea of creating a video game but we would construct it with links instead. In addition, time was
key in for our project and we didn’t want to have to create our own story for a video game so we thought to use the story of Zelda to interest the audience. Also, Frank and I chose Zelda as our story to show the theories that we read and to see if they were effective or biased.  In addition, time was key in for our project and we didn’t We were inspired to develop this game so that all of the computer’s components and capabilities which we learned in class would be utilized; sound, image, illusion/manipulation, video, etc. Also, we followed Markku Eskelinen “Towards Computer Game Studies” Aspects of time in computer games:

Order- relation between user events and system events (what is happening in the game), Frequency-the repetitive capabilities of the game, Speed- the computer’s ability to keep pace with the video game, Duration- any kind of shortcut or cheating, successfully completing all events, or loosing to the clock or winning to the clock, Simultaneity- number of simultaneous or parallel events which link to each other.

Markku piece was very helpful for us in terms of visualizing of project compared to the rest of the authors. In “If Things Can Talk, What Do They Say? If We Can Talk to Things, What Do We Say?” Natalie Jeremijenko, she talked a lot about voice chips and their relevancy and capabilities. She did not stake much about the relationship of voice and video but she did in terms of music and sound. We found that one section important to our project because she elaborated on how unmusical sounds (sound effects) become music and in video games this happens a lot. We can remember the sounds from Pokémon and Mario Cart and translate them to actual music. In our project we did not have a song played or music. We chose to have the sound effects in different events of the game to create our own music. Another theory that we read was by Marc Qouellette “I Hope You Never See Another Day Like This”; Pedagogy & Allegory in “Post 9/11” Video Game. In this piece Marc showed the connections of world events and video games. Janet Murray “From Game-Story to Cyberdrama” talked about the computer and it's components with video games which helped use with various parts of the project.

Overall, the process was very long to think of but after we accomplished our goal, the action was not as bad. We mapped out every step that we wanted to take in this game and if it didn't work as we were working, then we just took it out and went another route. There was many other things that we wanted to do with this project but we knew that we have time as a constraint and availability. There were many links that were not working for our media files or media in general but we circumference our problem and excelled, at least that's what we think.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Cool video

I thinks this is a cool video. It links society, history, problems, racism, and many other issues that are going on in the world today but with media. The creator uses a story that he tells to some children and have them choose the best route after being given a dilemma, while video and various media is being shown.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Bolter reading Questions and Answers

1). How much do you feel visual media applies to you and your everyday life? Does it seem to have any remediation?
2). What is hypermedia?
3). Do you think that all media has remediation? Do you agree with it? Why or why not?

Response to Chika's question:
2.Does language re-mediate thought?

I think that language re-mediate thought because mediate means to bring about an agreement between an argument; to convey. Based on the definition alone, we as people think a lot and there is always something for us to say but how we say it is key. With having to actually say your thoughts aloud is when we re-mediate what we will project. sometimes you may want to say one thing but once you re-think and decide on what you want to say aloud. It is like an agruement between the mouth and brain.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Today is such a beautiful day or should I say beginning. I can not believe what just happened before my very own eyes. We, the United States of America, have a African American PRESIDENT! I am so Blessed to be apart of this history. I can not celebrate enough nor cry enough to express how happy and proud I am on this day. I just thank God for allowing his will to be done. I am so ready to see him and family in the white house and for him to give Change and Hope to America. Words can not express the wonderful and spirit filled emotions which I have at this time. Thank you Jesus!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Halloween Threat Down

Halloween Threat Down

First, I must say that this video project was a blast and kind of last minute for me due to some family and personal issues. I was kind of thrown off guard when I came back to class to find out that we had to make our own video but I was a bit relieved once I was assigned a partner. My partner was Frank and he was a pleasure to work with.

Having no topic for our video made the assignment a bit difficult and too vague. I sat down with Frank in the Mac lab and we began to brainstorm on some ides for a video. I thought about creating a documentary and recording the football team or the basketball team. The idea of recording either the football or basketball team was to get an idea of their personalities and how they are off the football field or basketball court. This idea was not the one we selected because it was not unique enough for the assignment and plus we have classes with some of them. We continued to think of potential topics for the video project while browsing on the web for some inspirations.

Finally, we were able to conduct a topic. We thought about creating a video based on the holiday, Halloween, but we thought that it was too generic and afraid that other students in the class would choose the same topic. So we added in a twist to make it unique and scary. Frank and I decided to make a video based on the threat that was made to the students of University of Illinois along with all of the faculty, staff, and people of this community. We thought to make a video based on the interviews of the students that we found on green or “near” green and their view on the threat and how it affected them and their holiday, if so. We went out to record people and Green Street it self on Friday October 30th and Saturday October 31st.

On that Friday, Green Street was ghost town. There were a handful of people walking on Green Street. We were able to get a few interviews from people who were on Green. Many of the people that we interviewed on that day were not affected by the threat and were just ready to celebrate their Halloween. On the other side, there were quite a few people who were afraid of the threat and were celebrating their Halloween a day in advance. They were not planning on coming out on Green to celebrate at all and they stated at least two friends who were not as well. After shooting this footage on that Friday, Frank and I were kind of afraid for Saturday. Not just because of it was Halloween but because we did not think anyone would show up on Green at all. Little did we know that we would have the show ups that we did. At first when we began to record on Saturday around 9:30-10:00 pm, there were not many people walking down on Green but there were numerous police officers, fire fighters, helicopters, undercover police teams, and swat teams. They held their position on every corner. I even witnessed a girl receiving a jay walking citation; I would hate to have been her.
We were able to gather many interviews and even some extra footage of people in their costumes. Not only were their just people on Green Street, their were people celebrating Halloween on Green with costumes and all. People were waiting in long lines trying to get in the hottest costume parties on Green. The excitement of being someone else just for a day was spread throughout Green Street.

I was very happy with the outcome of the project. It took us a long time to actually edit the 20 minutes of footage but we succeeded; at least that’s what we think. When we first imported our footage there was no sound, which cost us to re-import the footage that took about 20-30 minutes alone. Overall, I am glad that Frank and I chose this topic because it was important to everyone.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

This video kind of reminded me of the Hampe article; the whole idea of silent movies. This was funny two bc its star wars.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

questions on the reading

1) How does having an author's name entitled on a book affect its sales?

2) If you were given a book to read without an author(s) name included, would it prevent you from purchasing that book? Why or why not? What if you were given a book review that rated the book a 9/10, would it change your actions or thoughts? Would you be able to tell how many authors of the book? If so, how?

3). In the reading the authors depict that scientists are likely to fail if they fail to argue or squabble when they do research. Wouldn't scientists support their meaning/experiment/results/etc. based on their research? So why would they have to argue? Would you trust a scientist and his experiment if he squabbled?

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

1) What are the qualities or characteristics/moments required for a silent movie/documentary? Is there any difference between a movie without sound and a documentary?

2) How does the emotions being portrayed in a silent movie affect you oppose to a movie with sound?

3). In a regular movie with sound expressing your emotions seems to be very easy for the actors/actresses and effective with the audience. If no sound is added in a movie how hard would it be for the actor/actresses to depict that emotion and have the audience share their affect to it?

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Audio Project

OMG! Yes I am starting my reflection paper off with a urban slang. The audio project for Info 390 was not what I expected what so ever. When we began reading about how audio and its usage today from the class readings, it was interesting. I was actually looking forward to the class project to go along with the topic and usage of audio. All of that change as soon as it became time to start on the project. After the instructor announced the assignment publicly, I began to question my topic and the route that I wanted to take. There was not specific topic given to create your audio project, so right then and there I was puzzled. Having no topic or guidelines to a specific topic made this project very hard for me. I found it very difficult to narrow my choices down.
First, I just knew that I was going to do a short story about my life. I was going to talk about my high school years and one particular experience about my leadership of my school. I thought that it was too boring and that no one would be interested in hearing about how much of a leader I was in high school. So, I changed my topic to a night out on the town. It was about how a few girls getting together on a Friday night after having exams. They were partying to relieve their stress from studying. They do ave a nice time out until they went to this one bar that a friend of a friend told them about. The lines outside the bar were filled with normal people just like them but once they arrived inside the bar, there was not a normal person beside them. There were clowns, animals, and things that they never knew existed partying. The girls become scared and fight their way out causing them to party anymore while at college.
Meanwhile, this story was too long and it involved to much work. I had at least three voices in the story line. Also, the audio for this story line was long and consisted of more than one track and I am no technician. Then, I decided to do a more laid back topic about a very important day of my life but just wasn't working. I did not like my tone of voice plus I did not feel that it was conversational what so ever. Finally after hours worth of sleep, I knew the topic of my story. The story is titled, “A lesson to love.” In this story is two people named Ryan and Nicole along with their puppy Bosko. It starts off with a bit of history of Ryan and Nicole's relationship; how they met, high school years, etc. Then it continues with their relationship in college and how they become a family with adding Bosko to the picture. Lastly, the story helps Ryan and Nicole to discover how someone you love so much could be taken away from you at any moment through Bosko's sudden death. This experience caused them to live their lives to the fullest by Ryan asking Nicole's hand in marriage. They never forget to tell each other how much they love one another each and every day. This story came natural for me. I did not have to force myself to talk about a topic that did not interest me. I was able to tell this story without reading from a paper. I was also capable of adding on while recording.
Moving along, the project was a hard task for me but it was an interesting one that kept me determined. I enjoyed being a narrator of my own story and displaying whatever came to mind. It was not hard recording myself because this is my element. I want to become a sports commentator so having a microphone at my mouth is not a scare or uncomfortable situation. If I was given the opportunity to re do, I would not change my decision but I rather not go through the process again.


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

In response to Nicole's Question

In response to question 2) would you consider 'reality tv' a form of documentary?

I would not consider reality tv a form of documentary because reality tv is not reality for one. It is for advertising and ratings. The things and actions which take place on reality shows are not ordinary. Also, the actions that are performed on the reality shows are pre-hesitated and already planed to cause a certain reaction or effect. While, a documentary is usually about real life problems or life styles and they are usually filmed as that action takes place. The audience and the director are usually on the same page of anticipation of what is going to happen next. Also, the quality of the two are very different and that has a huge effect of how people receive the show or message.

Questions on the readings

1). After reading the article that Hamper wrote it kind of reminded me of how unpopular documentaries are in today's time. It was dry and kind of uninteresting and repetitive in a sense. Why do you feel that they are, if you feel so?

2). If you had the chance to create your own movie or film, how would you shoot it and why? Would documentary be an option?

3). Do you feel that there has to be a certain topic and story line in order to shoot a documentary?

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Response to Nicole's Question

1. what is the difference between 'soundly engineered' and digital?

The difference between soundly engineered and digital, in my own opinion and experience, is the basic who, what, and where. With soundly engineered there is great and a lo t of experience involved with the person whom is creating this piece. A real studio is involved with real engineer's who have experience and can create great uality in your music. With digital it is more of a normal person experimenting on creating a rack with a computer using podcast. 

Questioning's on McKee and Shipka

1). "While it is possible to examine the usual separate from the aural," which was stated in the reading by McKee. Is this referring to the fact that you can combine many elements of sound with having them all stand as individuals? For example, the movie shrek, is this an example of what she is stating?
2.)If the music in a movie was omitted after you have watched it, do you think it would have a different meaning? Do you believe that music is key to emotion and reaction?
3). Does vocal delivery with your professor effect your understanding and attention span in the class?

1). After  reading the article by Shipka, it persuaded me to see text in a different way and it brought about ways that we demonstrate and learn text. So, how did you feel after reading this piece? Were you persuaded at all?

2.) Video games is an example that I used as a reference to what Shipka was stating in the piece. Do you think that video games will become the new way of learning text and the basics of life in the near future?

3). Do you think all video games are bad examples of bad decisions and life styles? Why or Why not?

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Spaceballs clip of Michael Winslow

Audio is key

I love these commercials and it really does connect with the reading about audio. 

This is a clip from the movie Space balls which stars Michael Winslow. The second one is from a tv show show which focuses on all of the sounds that he can recreate with his mouth.

Audio is Awesome!

Response to Andrew's Question

ost a Comment On: WAM!

Blogger kai said...

n response to number 3, I think the importance of Charlie Brown and Batman identity is because the fact that they are two individuals. For example, if there was a robbery then how wold they separate Batman who caught the bad guys from Charlie who helped during the robbery? They would need to know to difference with in their features, how they look, what they had on, etc. It is important that the artist who create them to be different because they are competing with other artist to have the spotlight or best super hero or cartoon character created. Overall, they need to stand out for something.

September 18, 2008 11:56 AM

Responses to Nicole's Questions on the Readings

Post a Comment On: Nicole's Blog

Blogger kai said...

In response to question 2, I think that the artist will try to persuade his vision of the art because he is the creator but ease an opening for the audience to input their own vision. For one he wants to make his audience feel very comfortable and follow along with him so I highly doubt if he leaves them to ponder.

September 9, 2008 11:21 AM

Post a Comment On: Nicole's Blog

Blogger kai said...

In response to question 3, I think the way a viewer can see through a piece in the 20th century is by looking pass the layers when using the example of a collage and to focus on the correlation of the items linked together as one. Also, by stepping outside of the box and maybe utilizing the resources that we have today to understand the author and the meaning behind the peice.

September 2, 2008 12:13 PM

Post a Comment On: Nicole's Blog

Blogger kai said...

In response to question to number 3. I think that language is key to have order and communication. In terms of symbols, language helps us to understand what is being represented because we all are individuals and understand things different but with language it helps for all of us to be on the same page. There is no other way to identify an object without words (language).

September 23, 2008 

Questions on the reading

1. I understand that there is a main point or a thesis of a passage but with sound being added to the passage, the thesis and main point tends to change. Why is it that sound controls the meaning of a passage?
2. If you were given an opportunity to listen to a book for class (audio book) instead of reading it for yourself, would you? Why?
3. Is there a significant change in the tone of a passage with and without sound? Does it change?

The title of my project is "The process of Life." ...
The title of my project is "The process of Life." I chose to do a photo essay because I enjoyed John Berger's photo chapters in his book, "Ways of Seeing." Also, I knew that I would be capable to express my emotions and perception on life in a better way with the photo essay. First, I could not decide which assignment to choose (photo shop picture, photo essay, or comic strip). I sat with a brain fart for at least fifteen minutes after given time to work on the assignment in class. Then I began to narrow my choice between the photo essay and the photo shop picture. I knew that I was no artist and I did not want to shame myself with my art. Next, I pulled out a piece of paper to begin brain storming for ideas and topics that I could create a essay with of photos. I was stuck and I pulled out John Berger's book "Ways of Seeing", since I was leaning more with the photo essay. After studying and analyzing his photo chapter of the woman and how they nurture, I began to ask myself what was the main point and thread between all of the pictures. I then new his main point (nature) and all I could think of was life at that point and how nurture is a big part of life or should I say stage of life. I was excited and ready to take off on my new photo essay project. Meanwhile, the piece of paper I took out to brain storm on became my blueprint for my project. I created an outline of stages in life that a man and a woman would go through. I broke the stages down into subgroups and distributed words that would best describe the stage so that it would be easy to illustrate in a photo. for example, I start with darkness because without life leaves nothing and in darkness is nothing. Therefore, I found a picture of just darkness that illustrates the stage. I continued this process for every other stage. 1. Darkness2. Origin3. First breathe 4. Growth5. Fun6.Religion7. Experience8. Leisure9. Marriage10. Change11. Addition12. Nurture13. Labor14. Establishment15. Generation16. Retirement17. Wisdom18. Reborn19. Death20. Legacy21. Afterlife22.
Moving along, I then began to work on the powerpoint. It was not that hard as I thought it would have been. I enjoyed it and was able to be an artist and show my ideas. All thanks to John Berger who influenced me to choose a photo essay.

The Stages of Life

The title of my project is "The Stages of Life." I chose to do a photo essay because I enjoyed John Berger's photo chapters in his book, "Ways of Seeing." Also, I knew that I would be capable to express my emotions and perception on life in a better way with the photo essay. First, I could not decide which assignment to choose (photo shop picture, photo essay, or comic strip). I sat with a brain fart for at least fifteen minutes after given time to work on the assignment in class. Then I began to narrow my choice between the photo essay and the photo shop picture. I knew that I was no artist and I did not want to shame myself with my art. Next, I pulled out a piece of paper to begin brain storming for ideas and topics that I could create a essay with of photos. I was stuck and I pulled out John Berger's book "Ways of Seeing", since I was leaning more with the photo essay. After studying and analyzing his photo chapter of the woman and how they nurture, I began to ask myself what was the main point and thread between all of the pictures. I then new his main point (nature) and all I could think of was life at that point and how nurture is a big part of life or should I say stage of life. I was excited and ready to take off on my new photo essay project. Meanwhile, the piece of paper I took out to brain storm on became my blueprint for my project. I created an outline of stages in life that a man and a woman would go through. I broke the stages down into subgroups and distributed words that would best describe the stage so that it would be easy to illustrate in a photo. for example, I start with darkness because without life leaves nothing and in darkness is nothing. Therefore, I found a picture of just darkness that illustrates the stage. I continued this process for every other stage.
1. Darkness
2. Origin/Where you came from
3. First breathe
4. Growth
5. Fun/Childhood
7. Experience
8. Leisure
9. Marriage
10. Change
11. Addition
12. Nurture
13. Labor
14. Establishment
15. Generation
16. Retirement
17. Wisdom
18. Reborn
19. Death
20. Legacy
21. Afterlife
Moving along, I then began to work on the powerpoint. It was not that hard as I thought it would have been. I enjoyed it and was able to be an artist and show my ideas. All thanks to John Berger who influenced me to choose a photo essay. If we were not given John Berger as an opportunity of an assignment, then I probably would not have been as creative or influenced with the other assignment opportunities.
The reason why I  chose not to use any words with this project to really get the same reaction as I did when I looked at John Berger's photo chapters. I wanted the audience or viewer to be able to question what this really means. Plus I did not want to give away my reasoning or meaning of the photo essay by including text. Also, the pictures that I used in this were the best that I thought could illustrate the stage in your life with a bit of humor and interest. This project was very fun, creative, and speechless; it speaks for its self. 

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

September 23rd Questions on the Readings

1). On page 94 of the reading, Drucker states "Such signs, therefore never merely provide information." is he referring this statement to time or the Protestantism? 
2). In the reading, Drucker talks about language and how it doesn't simply identify things and the example he used was Pleasant valley road and how we could never reconcile the name on the sign with the place. Is there and similarity with his vision of language with Berger when he gave the example with the painting of dove's? 
3). Is Drucker stating that since Instructive language is to protect us and prevent us from making a mistake that maybe someone created before, but is holding us back from exploring or making our own decisions?

Monday, September 15, 2008

September 16th Questions on the readings

1) In the book "Ways of Seeing" John Berger states, "the uniqueness of every painting was once apart of the uniqueness of the place where it resided." How does the uniqueness become destroyed by being transported physically when its transported mentally by the viewer? Viewers look at the painting and relate it to them and include the past like Berger inculeded. Therefore, even if the painting is not being transported from the kitchen to the living room it still is being transported in some one's mind which will give it a different meaning but the same uniqueness.

2) Berger talks about the camera and how it was first created to be in many places at one time and go beyond the human eye. It also talks about how a painting is owned by a film maker when the reproduce the image. Do you think that artist every regreat the camers usage with their art or are they priveledged that millions of people are seeing it?

3) In the reading "The Volcabulary of Comics" it talks about the American comic and some cahrateristiccs of it and the Japan comic. Which was is the oldest? Which comic depicts some of the images from the "Ways of Seeing" book?

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Stencil Project

Hello all,
For my stencil project, I choose the facial image of Barak Obama. The reason why I chose him was not as a cop out but for completion of Martin Luther King Jr.’s dream. Meaning, Barak is the first ever African American President candidate and is given completion, hopefully, to the dream that Martin Luther King Jr. had. “Dream come true…” I wrote this quote along with the image of Barak Obama in unisons of Martin Luther having a dream and Barak Obama bring closer to it. Also, I chose his image because I can relate to some of the plans that he has mentioned in his speeches for change. We desperately need a change in America today and growth. Hopefully, once Barak has won the presidential election there will be a change in racism. All blacks, whites, Mexicans, Indians, etc. will be able to come as one to make our country a better place. We have had all white presidents since there was a first presidential election and it is time that other ethnicities of the United States of America receive the opportunity to lead their country; since we are a country of “democracy”. Moving along, if I was to show my stencil to the world by posting it, I would put it in a city like Georgia or Alabama. I would spray paint this stencil on the side of many building like churches, schools, and stores. Also, I would spray paint them on trees. The reason why I would spray paint it on the buildings that I stated earlier is because those are the places that many followers of Martin Luther King Jr. attend. Also, those were the types of places that Luther participated in activities such as sermons, projects and charities, town meeting, and many more. Now, Obama will be able to gather those people who followed Martin Luther King Jr. to complete his dream and live a peaceful life. Another reason why I would spray paint Barak’s face on trees is because of past experience with African Americans being hung. It would symbolize that where you come from does not predict your future. Meaning that Barak Obama is showing others that you can be an African American and complete your goals and be whatever you want to become, if he can run for president as being apart of ex-victims of the United states of America. All in all, I love the image of Barak Obama and I would not change my opinion if I was told to re-do it. There is room for change to make us better people and our country a better place and that’s what he displays. Many people already support him which is shown on many bulletin boards, t-shirts, web sites, etc. and all I am doing is contributing to his success. He has publicized himself to all generations and ethnicities, not just to his ethnicity, and has delivered time after time in his speeches. Even when he is thrown obstacle he surpasses them which is a great charateristic of a great leader.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Questions for readings

1. In the e-reserve reading, it talked about how the reader receives the text and layout of the page before they actually begin to read. Why is it that people look at the text first rather than the book as a whole? Would you say that we as students would estimate the text first before a child? 

2. After reading the text, does teachers and professor recommend that we use time new roman because of the same reason as Wynski? 

3. Why did the size of text, color, and illustration change as we were a child to how it is as an adult? Isn't illustration similar to having extra help or resources to help you understand easier?

Monday, September 8, 2008

Video links

Hello all, 

Some how the link isn't working for the videos. Therefore, you have to type in the title of the video once you get on youtube. Sorry for the difficulties.

Just browsing on the net

Hello all, 

I love having leisure time because I can do whatever I want during that time. So as you can see, I had much of it and I found these videos on youtube that I thought were absolutely funny and I wanted to share them with you all. I would have to say that "Charlie bit me-remix" is the best but you must see the first one to understand it. Also, "He's gonna kick my ask" and "the evil eye" are great as well. Meanwhile kick back and laugh your a*& off!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

First Reading Questions

1. In the reading, Immediacy, Hypermediacy, and Remediation, it states that "Immediacy is supposed to make this computer interface "natural" rather than arbitrary." How will the interface be natural if it is technology? If it is natural, how would that beat having power with arbitrary?

2. What is Albertain window and when was it created or most useful?

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Hello to all,
My name is Kaiilah Brown. I am a sophomore at the University of Illinois with a major in Broadcasting. I chose this major r so that I can become a sports commentator on ESPN and eventually have my own sports show. I am a really big fan of sports and a true tomboy. I grew up as the only girl of four for many years until my mother conceived of another girl. I love to play football and basketball. One thing that many people do not know about me or would not believe is that I was on my football team in high school and I played basketball my freshmen year. I did not get to stay on the football team for long once my father took me off since he was the finance. Moving along, I went to a large population sized high school in the south suburbs of Chicago. I was involved in many activities such as student council, afro club, the National Honors Society, and many more. I also was the mayor of my school and the prom queen of my class. I really enjoyed my high school years but I enjoy my college classes much better. I enjoy my independence at college apposed to being woken up by mother and asking her for permission for every engagement I attend. Meanwhile,
I love surfing the web (facebook, youtube, imeem, etc) in my leisure time and hanging out with my friends. I like to cook, shop, and participate in fashion shows and dressing up.