Sunday, September 14, 2008

Stencil Project

Hello all,
For my stencil project, I choose the facial image of Barak Obama. The reason why I chose him was not as a cop out but for completion of Martin Luther King Jr.’s dream. Meaning, Barak is the first ever African American President candidate and is given completion, hopefully, to the dream that Martin Luther King Jr. had. “Dream come true…” I wrote this quote along with the image of Barak Obama in unisons of Martin Luther having a dream and Barak Obama bring closer to it. Also, I chose his image because I can relate to some of the plans that he has mentioned in his speeches for change. We desperately need a change in America today and growth. Hopefully, once Barak has won the presidential election there will be a change in racism. All blacks, whites, Mexicans, Indians, etc. will be able to come as one to make our country a better place. We have had all white presidents since there was a first presidential election and it is time that other ethnicities of the United States of America receive the opportunity to lead their country; since we are a country of “democracy”. Moving along, if I was to show my stencil to the world by posting it, I would put it in a city like Georgia or Alabama. I would spray paint this stencil on the side of many building like churches, schools, and stores. Also, I would spray paint them on trees. The reason why I would spray paint it on the buildings that I stated earlier is because those are the places that many followers of Martin Luther King Jr. attend. Also, those were the types of places that Luther participated in activities such as sermons, projects and charities, town meeting, and many more. Now, Obama will be able to gather those people who followed Martin Luther King Jr. to complete his dream and live a peaceful life. Another reason why I would spray paint Barak’s face on trees is because of past experience with African Americans being hung. It would symbolize that where you come from does not predict your future. Meaning that Barak Obama is showing others that you can be an African American and complete your goals and be whatever you want to become, if he can run for president as being apart of ex-victims of the United states of America. All in all, I love the image of Barak Obama and I would not change my opinion if I was told to re-do it. There is room for change to make us better people and our country a better place and that’s what he displays. Many people already support him which is shown on many bulletin boards, t-shirts, web sites, etc. and all I am doing is contributing to his success. He has publicized himself to all generations and ethnicities, not just to his ethnicity, and has delivered time after time in his speeches. Even when he is thrown obstacle he surpasses them which is a great charateristic of a great leader.

1 comment:

Lauren Graham said...

I love this in so many ways, oh man.

Please say you are actually going to wear this because it is awesome.