Thursday, November 13, 2008

Bolter reading Questions and Answers

1). How much do you feel visual media applies to you and your everyday life? Does it seem to have any remediation?
2). What is hypermedia?
3). Do you think that all media has remediation? Do you agree with it? Why or why not?

Response to Chika's question:
2.Does language re-mediate thought?

I think that language re-mediate thought because mediate means to bring about an agreement between an argument; to convey. Based on the definition alone, we as people think a lot and there is always something for us to say but how we say it is key. With having to actually say your thoughts aloud is when we re-mediate what we will project. sometimes you may want to say one thing but once you re-think and decide on what you want to say aloud. It is like an agruement between the mouth and brain.

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