Thursday, October 16, 2008

Audio Project

OMG! Yes I am starting my reflection paper off with a urban slang. The audio project for Info 390 was not what I expected what so ever. When we began reading about how audio and its usage today from the class readings, it was interesting. I was actually looking forward to the class project to go along with the topic and usage of audio. All of that change as soon as it became time to start on the project. After the instructor announced the assignment publicly, I began to question my topic and the route that I wanted to take. There was not specific topic given to create your audio project, so right then and there I was puzzled. Having no topic or guidelines to a specific topic made this project very hard for me. I found it very difficult to narrow my choices down.
First, I just knew that I was going to do a short story about my life. I was going to talk about my high school years and one particular experience about my leadership of my school. I thought that it was too boring and that no one would be interested in hearing about how much of a leader I was in high school. So, I changed my topic to a night out on the town. It was about how a few girls getting together on a Friday night after having exams. They were partying to relieve their stress from studying. They do ave a nice time out until they went to this one bar that a friend of a friend told them about. The lines outside the bar were filled with normal people just like them but once they arrived inside the bar, there was not a normal person beside them. There were clowns, animals, and things that they never knew existed partying. The girls become scared and fight their way out causing them to party anymore while at college.
Meanwhile, this story was too long and it involved to much work. I had at least three voices in the story line. Also, the audio for this story line was long and consisted of more than one track and I am no technician. Then, I decided to do a more laid back topic about a very important day of my life but just wasn't working. I did not like my tone of voice plus I did not feel that it was conversational what so ever. Finally after hours worth of sleep, I knew the topic of my story. The story is titled, “A lesson to love.” In this story is two people named Ryan and Nicole along with their puppy Bosko. It starts off with a bit of history of Ryan and Nicole's relationship; how they met, high school years, etc. Then it continues with their relationship in college and how they become a family with adding Bosko to the picture. Lastly, the story helps Ryan and Nicole to discover how someone you love so much could be taken away from you at any moment through Bosko's sudden death. This experience caused them to live their lives to the fullest by Ryan asking Nicole's hand in marriage. They never forget to tell each other how much they love one another each and every day. This story came natural for me. I did not have to force myself to talk about a topic that did not interest me. I was able to tell this story without reading from a paper. I was also capable of adding on while recording.
Moving along, the project was a hard task for me but it was an interesting one that kept me determined. I enjoyed being a narrator of my own story and displaying whatever came to mind. It was not hard recording myself because this is my element. I want to become a sports commentator so having a microphone at my mouth is not a scare or uncomfortable situation. If I was given the opportunity to re do, I would not change my decision but I rather not go through the process again.


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