Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Spaceballs clip of Michael Winslow

Audio is key

I love these commercials and it really does connect with the reading about audio. 

This is a clip from the movie Space balls which stars Michael Winslow. The second one is from a tv show show which focuses on all of the sounds that he can recreate with his mouth.

Audio is Awesome!

Response to Andrew's Question

ost a Comment On: WAM!

Blogger kai said...

n response to number 3, I think the importance of Charlie Brown and Batman identity is because the fact that they are two individuals. For example, if there was a robbery then how wold they separate Batman who caught the bad guys from Charlie who helped during the robbery? They would need to know to difference with in their features, how they look, what they had on, etc. It is important that the artist who create them to be different because they are competing with other artist to have the spotlight or best super hero or cartoon character created. Overall, they need to stand out for something.

September 18, 2008 11:56 AM

Responses to Nicole's Questions on the Readings

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Blogger kai said...

In response to question 2, I think that the artist will try to persuade his vision of the art because he is the creator but ease an opening for the audience to input their own vision. For one he wants to make his audience feel very comfortable and follow along with him so I highly doubt if he leaves them to ponder.

September 9, 2008 11:21 AM

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Blogger kai said...

In response to question 3, I think the way a viewer can see through a piece in the 20th century is by looking pass the layers when using the example of a collage and to focus on the correlation of the items linked together as one. Also, by stepping outside of the box and maybe utilizing the resources that we have today to understand the author and the meaning behind the peice.

September 2, 2008 12:13 PM

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Blogger kai said...

In response to question to number 3. I think that language is key to have order and communication. In terms of symbols, language helps us to understand what is being represented because we all are individuals and understand things different but with language it helps for all of us to be on the same page. There is no other way to identify an object without words (language).

September 23, 2008 

Questions on the reading

1. I understand that there is a main point or a thesis of a passage but with sound being added to the passage, the thesis and main point tends to change. Why is it that sound controls the meaning of a passage?
2. If you were given an opportunity to listen to a book for class (audio book) instead of reading it for yourself, would you? Why?
3. Is there a significant change in the tone of a passage with and without sound? Does it change?

The title of my project is "The process of Life." ...
The title of my project is "The process of Life." I chose to do a photo essay because I enjoyed John Berger's photo chapters in his book, "Ways of Seeing." Also, I knew that I would be capable to express my emotions and perception on life in a better way with the photo essay. First, I could not decide which assignment to choose (photo shop picture, photo essay, or comic strip). I sat with a brain fart for at least fifteen minutes after given time to work on the assignment in class. Then I began to narrow my choice between the photo essay and the photo shop picture. I knew that I was no artist and I did not want to shame myself with my art. Next, I pulled out a piece of paper to begin brain storming for ideas and topics that I could create a essay with of photos. I was stuck and I pulled out John Berger's book "Ways of Seeing", since I was leaning more with the photo essay. After studying and analyzing his photo chapter of the woman and how they nurture, I began to ask myself what was the main point and thread between all of the pictures. I then new his main point (nature) and all I could think of was life at that point and how nurture is a big part of life or should I say stage of life. I was excited and ready to take off on my new photo essay project. Meanwhile, the piece of paper I took out to brain storm on became my blueprint for my project. I created an outline of stages in life that a man and a woman would go through. I broke the stages down into subgroups and distributed words that would best describe the stage so that it would be easy to illustrate in a photo. for example, I start with darkness because without life leaves nothing and in darkness is nothing. Therefore, I found a picture of just darkness that illustrates the stage. I continued this process for every other stage. 1. Darkness2. Origin3. First breathe 4. Growth5. Fun6.Religion7. Experience8. Leisure9. Marriage10. Change11. Addition12. Nurture13. Labor14. Establishment15. Generation16. Retirement17. Wisdom18. Reborn19. Death20. Legacy21. Afterlife22.
Moving along, I then began to work on the powerpoint. It was not that hard as I thought it would have been. I enjoyed it and was able to be an artist and show my ideas. All thanks to John Berger who influenced me to choose a photo essay.

The Stages of Life

The title of my project is "The Stages of Life." I chose to do a photo essay because I enjoyed John Berger's photo chapters in his book, "Ways of Seeing." Also, I knew that I would be capable to express my emotions and perception on life in a better way with the photo essay. First, I could not decide which assignment to choose (photo shop picture, photo essay, or comic strip). I sat with a brain fart for at least fifteen minutes after given time to work on the assignment in class. Then I began to narrow my choice between the photo essay and the photo shop picture. I knew that I was no artist and I did not want to shame myself with my art. Next, I pulled out a piece of paper to begin brain storming for ideas and topics that I could create a essay with of photos. I was stuck and I pulled out John Berger's book "Ways of Seeing", since I was leaning more with the photo essay. After studying and analyzing his photo chapter of the woman and how they nurture, I began to ask myself what was the main point and thread between all of the pictures. I then new his main point (nature) and all I could think of was life at that point and how nurture is a big part of life or should I say stage of life. I was excited and ready to take off on my new photo essay project. Meanwhile, the piece of paper I took out to brain storm on became my blueprint for my project. I created an outline of stages in life that a man and a woman would go through. I broke the stages down into subgroups and distributed words that would best describe the stage so that it would be easy to illustrate in a photo. for example, I start with darkness because without life leaves nothing and in darkness is nothing. Therefore, I found a picture of just darkness that illustrates the stage. I continued this process for every other stage.
1. Darkness
2. Origin/Where you came from
3. First breathe
4. Growth
5. Fun/Childhood
7. Experience
8. Leisure
9. Marriage
10. Change
11. Addition
12. Nurture
13. Labor
14. Establishment
15. Generation
16. Retirement
17. Wisdom
18. Reborn
19. Death
20. Legacy
21. Afterlife
Moving along, I then began to work on the powerpoint. It was not that hard as I thought it would have been. I enjoyed it and was able to be an artist and show my ideas. All thanks to John Berger who influenced me to choose a photo essay. If we were not given John Berger as an opportunity of an assignment, then I probably would not have been as creative or influenced with the other assignment opportunities.
The reason why I  chose not to use any words with this project to really get the same reaction as I did when I looked at John Berger's photo chapters. I wanted the audience or viewer to be able to question what this really means. Plus I did not want to give away my reasoning or meaning of the photo essay by including text. Also, the pictures that I used in this were the best that I thought could illustrate the stage in your life with a bit of humor and interest. This project was very fun, creative, and speechless; it speaks for its self. 

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

September 23rd Questions on the Readings

1). On page 94 of the reading, Drucker states "Such signs, therefore never merely provide information." is he referring this statement to time or the Protestantism? 
2). In the reading, Drucker talks about language and how it doesn't simply identify things and the example he used was Pleasant valley road and how we could never reconcile the name on the sign with the place. Is there and similarity with his vision of language with Berger when he gave the example with the painting of dove's? 
3). Is Drucker stating that since Instructive language is to protect us and prevent us from making a mistake that maybe someone created before, but is holding us back from exploring or making our own decisions?

Monday, September 15, 2008

September 16th Questions on the readings

1) In the book "Ways of Seeing" John Berger states, "the uniqueness of every painting was once apart of the uniqueness of the place where it resided." How does the uniqueness become destroyed by being transported physically when its transported mentally by the viewer? Viewers look at the painting and relate it to them and include the past like Berger inculeded. Therefore, even if the painting is not being transported from the kitchen to the living room it still is being transported in some one's mind which will give it a different meaning but the same uniqueness.

2) Berger talks about the camera and how it was first created to be in many places at one time and go beyond the human eye. It also talks about how a painting is owned by a film maker when the reproduce the image. Do you think that artist every regreat the camers usage with their art or are they priveledged that millions of people are seeing it?

3) In the reading "The Volcabulary of Comics" it talks about the American comic and some cahrateristiccs of it and the Japan comic. Which was is the oldest? Which comic depicts some of the images from the "Ways of Seeing" book?

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Stencil Project

Hello all,
For my stencil project, I choose the facial image of Barak Obama. The reason why I chose him was not as a cop out but for completion of Martin Luther King Jr.’s dream. Meaning, Barak is the first ever African American President candidate and is given completion, hopefully, to the dream that Martin Luther King Jr. had. “Dream come true…” I wrote this quote along with the image of Barak Obama in unisons of Martin Luther having a dream and Barak Obama bring closer to it. Also, I chose his image because I can relate to some of the plans that he has mentioned in his speeches for change. We desperately need a change in America today and growth. Hopefully, once Barak has won the presidential election there will be a change in racism. All blacks, whites, Mexicans, Indians, etc. will be able to come as one to make our country a better place. We have had all white presidents since there was a first presidential election and it is time that other ethnicities of the United States of America receive the opportunity to lead their country; since we are a country of “democracy”. Moving along, if I was to show my stencil to the world by posting it, I would put it in a city like Georgia or Alabama. I would spray paint this stencil on the side of many building like churches, schools, and stores. Also, I would spray paint them on trees. The reason why I would spray paint it on the buildings that I stated earlier is because those are the places that many followers of Martin Luther King Jr. attend. Also, those were the types of places that Luther participated in activities such as sermons, projects and charities, town meeting, and many more. Now, Obama will be able to gather those people who followed Martin Luther King Jr. to complete his dream and live a peaceful life. Another reason why I would spray paint Barak’s face on trees is because of past experience with African Americans being hung. It would symbolize that where you come from does not predict your future. Meaning that Barak Obama is showing others that you can be an African American and complete your goals and be whatever you want to become, if he can run for president as being apart of ex-victims of the United states of America. All in all, I love the image of Barak Obama and I would not change my opinion if I was told to re-do it. There is room for change to make us better people and our country a better place and that’s what he displays. Many people already support him which is shown on many bulletin boards, t-shirts, web sites, etc. and all I am doing is contributing to his success. He has publicized himself to all generations and ethnicities, not just to his ethnicity, and has delivered time after time in his speeches. Even when he is thrown obstacle he surpasses them which is a great charateristic of a great leader.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Questions for readings

1. In the e-reserve reading, it talked about how the reader receives the text and layout of the page before they actually begin to read. Why is it that people look at the text first rather than the book as a whole? Would you say that we as students would estimate the text first before a child? 

2. After reading the text, does teachers and professor recommend that we use time new roman because of the same reason as Wynski? 

3. Why did the size of text, color, and illustration change as we were a child to how it is as an adult? Isn't illustration similar to having extra help or resources to help you understand easier?

Monday, September 8, 2008

Video links

Hello all, 

Some how the link isn't working for the videos. Therefore, you have to type in the title of the video once you get on youtube. Sorry for the difficulties.

Just browsing on the net

Hello all, 

I love having leisure time because I can do whatever I want during that time. So as you can see, I had much of it and I found these videos on youtube that I thought were absolutely funny and I wanted to share them with you all. I would have to say that "Charlie bit me-remix" is the best but you must see the first one to understand it. Also, "He's gonna kick my ask" and "the evil eye" are great as well. Meanwhile kick back and laugh your a*& off!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

First Reading Questions

1. In the reading, Immediacy, Hypermediacy, and Remediation, it states that "Immediacy is supposed to make this computer interface "natural" rather than arbitrary." How will the interface be natural if it is technology? If it is natural, how would that beat having power with arbitrary?

2. What is Albertain window and when was it created or most useful?