Thursday, December 4, 2008

Final Project

Final project; it came so fast. For this project Frank and I were partners again. We both had a good understanding of each other and knew how to compromise and develop ideas from working together on our previous project. Moving on, this project was the most different and collaborative than the others. First, Frank and I were given the video game theory II and we had to portray this theory in
our own way to the class and or critique the theory. Within this theory given to us, we had to read four different perceptions of people’s consumption of video game. In these pieces that we read, the theorist gave their perspective on very different components of video game; media, sound (voice), storytelling, equipment, technology, and computer's.

After reading the theory of video game from the different authors, Frank and I choose to portray their persona of video games. We thought that it would be cool to create a video game. We really wanted to create an action based game but we knew we did not have the time. So, we still kept the idea of creating a video game but we would construct it with links instead. In addition, time was
key in for our project and we didn’t want to have to create our own story for a video game so we thought to use the story of Zelda to interest the audience. Also, Frank and I chose Zelda as our story to show the theories that we read and to see if they were effective or biased.  In addition, time was key in for our project and we didn’t We were inspired to develop this game so that all of the computer’s components and capabilities which we learned in class would be utilized; sound, image, illusion/manipulation, video, etc. Also, we followed Markku Eskelinen “Towards Computer Game Studies” Aspects of time in computer games:

Order- relation between user events and system events (what is happening in the game), Frequency-the repetitive capabilities of the game, Speed- the computer’s ability to keep pace with the video game, Duration- any kind of shortcut or cheating, successfully completing all events, or loosing to the clock or winning to the clock, Simultaneity- number of simultaneous or parallel events which link to each other.

Markku piece was very helpful for us in terms of visualizing of project compared to the rest of the authors. In “If Things Can Talk, What Do They Say? If We Can Talk to Things, What Do We Say?” Natalie Jeremijenko, she talked a lot about voice chips and their relevancy and capabilities. She did not stake much about the relationship of voice and video but she did in terms of music and sound. We found that one section important to our project because she elaborated on how unmusical sounds (sound effects) become music and in video games this happens a lot. We can remember the sounds from Pokémon and Mario Cart and translate them to actual music. In our project we did not have a song played or music. We chose to have the sound effects in different events of the game to create our own music. Another theory that we read was by Marc Qouellette “I Hope You Never See Another Day Like This”; Pedagogy & Allegory in “Post 9/11” Video Game. In this piece Marc showed the connections of world events and video games. Janet Murray “From Game-Story to Cyberdrama” talked about the computer and it's components with video games which helped use with various parts of the project.

Overall, the process was very long to think of but after we accomplished our goal, the action was not as bad. We mapped out every step that we wanted to take in this game and if it didn't work as we were working, then we just took it out and went another route. There was many other things that we wanted to do with this project but we knew that we have time as a constraint and availability. There were many links that were not working for our media files or media in general but we circumference our problem and excelled, at least that's what we think.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Cool video

I thinks this is a cool video. It links society, history, problems, racism, and many other issues that are going on in the world today but with media. The creator uses a story that he tells to some children and have them choose the best route after being given a dilemma, while video and various media is being shown.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Bolter reading Questions and Answers

1). How much do you feel visual media applies to you and your everyday life? Does it seem to have any remediation?
2). What is hypermedia?
3). Do you think that all media has remediation? Do you agree with it? Why or why not?

Response to Chika's question:
2.Does language re-mediate thought?

I think that language re-mediate thought because mediate means to bring about an agreement between an argument; to convey. Based on the definition alone, we as people think a lot and there is always something for us to say but how we say it is key. With having to actually say your thoughts aloud is when we re-mediate what we will project. sometimes you may want to say one thing but once you re-think and decide on what you want to say aloud. It is like an agruement between the mouth and brain.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Today is such a beautiful day or should I say beginning. I can not believe what just happened before my very own eyes. We, the United States of America, have a African American PRESIDENT! I am so Blessed to be apart of this history. I can not celebrate enough nor cry enough to express how happy and proud I am on this day. I just thank God for allowing his will to be done. I am so ready to see him and family in the white house and for him to give Change and Hope to America. Words can not express the wonderful and spirit filled emotions which I have at this time. Thank you Jesus!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Halloween Threat Down

Halloween Threat Down

First, I must say that this video project was a blast and kind of last minute for me due to some family and personal issues. I was kind of thrown off guard when I came back to class to find out that we had to make our own video but I was a bit relieved once I was assigned a partner. My partner was Frank and he was a pleasure to work with.

Having no topic for our video made the assignment a bit difficult and too vague. I sat down with Frank in the Mac lab and we began to brainstorm on some ides for a video. I thought about creating a documentary and recording the football team or the basketball team. The idea of recording either the football or basketball team was to get an idea of their personalities and how they are off the football field or basketball court. This idea was not the one we selected because it was not unique enough for the assignment and plus we have classes with some of them. We continued to think of potential topics for the video project while browsing on the web for some inspirations.

Finally, we were able to conduct a topic. We thought about creating a video based on the holiday, Halloween, but we thought that it was too generic and afraid that other students in the class would choose the same topic. So we added in a twist to make it unique and scary. Frank and I decided to make a video based on the threat that was made to the students of University of Illinois along with all of the faculty, staff, and people of this community. We thought to make a video based on the interviews of the students that we found on green or “near” green and their view on the threat and how it affected them and their holiday, if so. We went out to record people and Green Street it self on Friday October 30th and Saturday October 31st.

On that Friday, Green Street was ghost town. There were a handful of people walking on Green Street. We were able to get a few interviews from people who were on Green. Many of the people that we interviewed on that day were not affected by the threat and were just ready to celebrate their Halloween. On the other side, there were quite a few people who were afraid of the threat and were celebrating their Halloween a day in advance. They were not planning on coming out on Green to celebrate at all and they stated at least two friends who were not as well. After shooting this footage on that Friday, Frank and I were kind of afraid for Saturday. Not just because of it was Halloween but because we did not think anyone would show up on Green at all. Little did we know that we would have the show ups that we did. At first when we began to record on Saturday around 9:30-10:00 pm, there were not many people walking down on Green but there were numerous police officers, fire fighters, helicopters, undercover police teams, and swat teams. They held their position on every corner. I even witnessed a girl receiving a jay walking citation; I would hate to have been her.
We were able to gather many interviews and even some extra footage of people in their costumes. Not only were their just people on Green Street, their were people celebrating Halloween on Green with costumes and all. People were waiting in long lines trying to get in the hottest costume parties on Green. The excitement of being someone else just for a day was spread throughout Green Street.

I was very happy with the outcome of the project. It took us a long time to actually edit the 20 minutes of footage but we succeeded; at least that’s what we think. When we first imported our footage there was no sound, which cost us to re-import the footage that took about 20-30 minutes alone. Overall, I am glad that Frank and I chose this topic because it was important to everyone.